Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tools untuk menDownload Video dari Youtube

Download video dari youtube dengan tools You tube downloader lebih mudah,cepat dan stabil.

Michael Heart - We will not go down Gaza tonight

Download : Michael Heart - We will not go down gaza tonight

A blinding flash of white light
Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight
People running for cover
Not knowing whether they're dead or alive

They came with their tanks and their planes
With ravaging fiery flames
And nothing remains
Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

Women and children alike
Murdered and massacred night after night
While the so-called leaders of countries afar
Debated on who's wrong or right

But their powerless words were in vain
And the bombs fell down like acid rain
But through the tears and the blood and the pain
You can still hear that voice through the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight

We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

PC Media Antivirus update Maret 2009

download PCMAV 1.93

Terjangkit,tertular,atau terinfeksi win32/heur, win32/tanatos.h, win32/ problemo!

Hardisk Seagate 250Gb gw terkena virus :

Gejalanya adalah file berextension exe sebagian tidak bisa dijalankan dengan normal.
Yang paling ketahuan buat gw adalah WMP classic,player bawaan dari klite codec pack tidak bisa dijalankan.Tiap WMP classic di hidupkan maka ada peringatan error tentang "floating point..".gw kirain ada masalah dengan aplikasi microsoft visual c+ seperti yang gw baca googling di internet ternyata masalah nya adalah virus win32/tanatos.j
yang memang khusus menjangkiti file berextension exe yang nota bene adalah file setup atau aplikasi.aplikasi lain yang juga di rusak adalah crap cleaner,drive cleaner,setup master tools,utilities,antivirus,dan aplikasi lain yang berextension exe meskipun tidak semuanya tapi bisa dikatakan 95% rusak dan tidak bisa dijalankan.
Solusi :
gw coba scan dengan pcmedia ternyata nihil gak terdeteksi,mungkin karena virus ini tergolong luar ya.
oke gw langsung coba instal avg 8 dan update dengan definition updated terbaru.
gw scan dan ternyata justru dari sini gw tau kalo virus yang menyerang dan berkembang biak di komputer gw adalah
virus-virus diatas.
Nah sewaktu posting ini hardisk WDC 500Gb gw pasang sebagai system dan seagate sebagai data.
gw scan aja dan gw tinggal nonton tv.lama bo' 250 Gb gitu loh!!
oke deh semoga pengalaman gw bisa ngebantu untuk kamu yang memiliki masalah yang sama.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Review kamera Panasonic MD9000 ala gw..

Dari sekian lama gw googling jarang banget ya ditemukan review lengkap tentang kamera panggul panasonic md9000.
Padahal untuk video shooting dan didunia penyiaran md9000 lumayan banyak dipakai oleh para kameraman.
Gw jadi pengen review sendiri tentang kamera pegangan gw ini,oke deh..simak baik-baik ya..


1.Tentang CCD.
Dari review yang gw baca-baca kamera ini masih memiliki CCD tunggal.Dengan demikian kualitas warna yang dihasilkan
belumlah maksimal tidak seperti kamera lain yang memiliki 3 ccd yang bermanfaat banget untuk memisahkan detail warna
untuk diproses lebih spesifik sebelum akhirnya dicapture dan menjadi video yang dapat dinikmati ditonton dan dirasakan
perbedaannya dengan kamera single ccd.Tapi untuk wedding dan dunia jurnalistik kamera ini masih tergolong almost userlah.

2.Penggunaan Kamera.
Untuk menggunakan kamera ini tidak terlalu susah sih,memiliki 2 tombol rec dan 2 tombol zoom.
yang pertama terletak dipegangan paling atas untuk fungsi handy.Dan yang kedua agak kedepan sebelah kanan untuk fungsi
panggul.Untuk kamera-kamera yang pernah gw pake tombol ZOom di md9000 ini tergolong sangat memudahkan untuk proses zoom out
dan zoom in nya dan sangat tidak mengganggu stabilnya gambar tidak seperti kamera-kamera kecil yang tombol zoom nya
harus digeser sehingga untuk yang menginginkan kestablilan tingkat tinggi sangat terganggu karenanya.tombol zoom md9000
cukup ditekan saja.Oh ya zoom proses untuk fungsi handy lebih halus dari pada tombol zoom yan ada pada posisi panggul.

fasilitas seperti pada kamera-kamera lain.Efek gambar seperti sephia,miror dll..serta transition seperti slide,cross disolve dll.
layar lcd yang bisa diputar putar sehingga lebih flexibel untuk pengambilan gambar disegala medan.Viewernya yang bisa
diatur ketajaman nya tergantung untuk mata normal dan mata minus or plus.Viewer ini sangat bermanfaat saat dibawah terik
matahari dan terjebak silau yang mengganggu pandangan apabila menggunakan lcd viewernya.Microphone nya sangat sensitif dan sangat
baik digunakan untuk diluar apalagi bila angin kencang.Karena pada mic nya menggunakan busa penghalang wuzz angin.
Hal ini sangat berbeda,apabila menggunakan mic built in maka hembusan angin yang masuk ke mic pada kamera akan menimbulkan suara
wuzz,hal ini tidak terjadi bila menggunakan microphone bawaannya.Dengan busa penghalang tadi maka hembusan angin yang mengenai mic
akan dihalang sehingga suara tetap jernih.Pernah saya iseng-iseng melakukan percobaan rekam dengan dan tanpa mic ternyata
hasil nya sangatlah berbeda,hasil rekaman dengan microphone built ini tidak dapat menyaingin microphone bawaannya.Tapi
hati-hati dengan batrenya,sebelum menggunakan microphone ini cek batrenya dan pastikan tombol on nya aktif.karena bila batrenya habis
atau tombol mic nya tidak dihidupkan maka anda akan merekam film bisu.he3..berikutnya Remote,ini juga salah satu yang
membedakan kamera profesional dengan home user.Pasang pada tripod dan gunakan remote nya.bisa digunakan untuk merekam video bisa juga
untuk playback.sambung jack nya ke TV kamera bisa berfungsi sebagai player minidv seperti halnya player dvd.Batere untuk
md9000 menggunakan Li-ion Battery CGP-D28s 7.2V 2800mAh yang berarti cukup untuk berjam-jam rekam moment.Untuk kondisi
baru batere ini menurut pengalaman gw bisa on terus selama sejam dan baru berkurang 1 batang pada batre displaynya.sehingga untuk wedding
gw biasa pake untuk akad trus setengah resepsi baru ganti batere ke 2.Oh ya gw lupa untuk batre md9000 ada juga yang
kecil tapi tidak disarankan untuk rekam moment yang continue karena daya tahan nya yang lemah.Oke deh sekian aja dulu ya review tentang md9000nya
mudah-mudahan dapat membantu.oh ya klo liat digambar ada lampu diatasnya itu tambahan gw buat membantu shooting diruangan gelap,jadi maaf buat yang belum punya ini bukan bawaan paket md9000nya..he3..

tips : Blogmu gak masuk sama sekali di search engine?

Blogmu gak masuk sama sekali di search engine?
Pasti ada yang salah deh..he3..menurut pengalaman pribadi nih.
Iya sih blog ku pernah gak masuk sama sekali di search engine nya mbah google.
ternyata setelah gw cek dan ricek adsense gw bermasalah dengan izinnya.
katanya ada pelanggaran cuma gak dijelasin apa dan lengkapnya kenapa.
gw hapus aja content adsense tersebut dan blog gw bisa diakses lagi deh jadi top search engine.

Bapak sairi terjatuh dari flame oven dan mengalami patah kaki

PT.Timah Tbk 21 februari 2009 lalu ditimpa musibah.Bapak Sairi,Pekerja Harian Lepas (PHL) untuk bagian Pabrik Harian mengalami kecelakaan sewaktu jam kerja tepatnya jam 10.00WIB.Kejadian yang diceritakan oleh beberapa saksi mata bahwa dia panik dan melompat dari atas flame oven utk menghindari crane rusak bermuatan beban yang tidak bisa dihentikan terus berjalan mengarah ke dia yang berada di atas flame oven.
Tragisnya dia mendarat ditumpukan material,tak elak lagi kaki kirinya patah dan langsung dibawa kerumah sakit pangkalpinang saat itu jg.kabar trakhir pak sairi telah menjalani operasi dan sedang dlm proses pemulihan.Kita doakan semoga pak sairi bisa cepat smbuh dan bisa bekerja seperti sebelumnya,dan utk keluarga smoga dapat menerima cobaan ini dg ikhlas.Untuk PT.Timah alangkah sebaiknya hal ini dijadikan pelajaran yang berarti dan diupayakan sebesar-besarnya tidak terulang lagi.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Adobe premiere 1.5 gak bisa ngexport video or render video?

Ini terjadi pada gw 22 februari lalu ketika selesai mengedit video di adobe premiere 1.5 dan ingin merender video
ke dv avi.Gw lakukan proses export seperti biasa tapi beberapa kali gw coba ternyata gagal.
Yang terjadi setelah gw coba beberapa kali adalah :
- muncul rendering box seperti biasa tapi dengan tab proses yang kosong "- - - - " alias gak ada proses render yang terjadi.
- muncul rendering box seperti biasa tapi prosesnya merambat seperti keong.
padahal dengan komputer gw yang lumayan super ngerender 1 jam video + filter + transition dan efek-efek yang lumayan
berat,cuma kelar kurang dari 1 jam.tapi kalo prosesnya kayak keong gini,ada something wrong dong.
Ada yang bisa bantu?
Pasti gak ada..ha3..cuma gw yang bisa."MADJID GITU LOHHH" (Pake gaya temon)

Dugaan kalian apa?premiere yang gak beres?system gw yang eror ?atau registry nya yang amburadul?
gw coba pake crap cleaner softwaRE buat ngebenerin registry dan membuang temporary files & folder tetep aja keukeuh
gak mau rendering.Drive Cleaner juga gw paksain ngeclean temporary n junk files tapi tetep aja gak bisa.
gak pake browsing segala macem atau nanya-nanya gw pake metoda coba-coba.
ha ha ha tapi sekali coba doang,entah firasat atau emang jodoh gw dengan software ini.
gw coba windows doctor version 1.7 disitu ada registry clean up,gw scan,trus selesai scanning gw clean deh..
trus gw coba render di premiere..mak nyoss...langsung normal kembali bro..
jadi apa tuh masalah nya..jawabnya eror diregistry yang dapat difix oleh windows doctor.
option clean disini lebih cocok disebut sebagai pilihan fix eror atau fix issues.
oke deh semoga bermanfaat tips n trik gw..
kalo ada yang ngirain gw gak profesional yang terserah yang penting berbagi pengalaman bro,karena selama kita hidup
ngelamun aja tetap jadi pengalaman kan.tinggal kita aja meneruskan pengalaman tersebut untuk kita doang atau dibagi
dengan orang lain.GW AMBIL YANG KEDUA..

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Service kamera di pangkal pinang - bangka

Kemarin gw keliling-keliling pangkal pinang buat nyari service center buat kamera jvc gw yang "keok".
Pertama-tama gw ke sanny "panasonic".
gw pernah berurusan dengan bapak sanny sewaktu panasonic md9000 gw rusak.gak bisa record n play serta muncul peringatan supaya kita mereset kamera, tapi setelah kita tekan tombol reset dia malah mengarahkan agar ke service center nya panasonic.
untung ada bapak sanny.dia pnya chanel di pusatnya panasonic dan menurut dia orang center nya mudah diajak kompromi dan diminta tolong.bahkan kemarin dia tinggal telpon trus nanyain kenapa muncul eror code ini,trus dari center jwb oo..itu ada socket yang rusak.ntar dikirim..wah..keren kan!
Tapi sayang untuk urusan jvc ini pak sanny nya angkat tangan.coba bawa ke samsung elektronik mas.dari skolah kristen ntu trus gramedia trus lurus sebelah kiri sebelum perempatan pertama.
oke deh coba..
Kedua samsung service center.
yaa..kecewa sih..coba tanya ke service kamera di kodak deket jalan sudirman mas.
Ketiga gw langsung meluncur ternyata dia cuma menangani kamera sony.
wah apes..tinggal satu tempat lagi di kampung asem deket pangkalbalam katanya sih deket kodim..
karena gw kerjanya dimentok dan hari udah sore ya..gak sempet gitu deh!
lain kali ntar gw jelajahi juga..

Review WDC5000AACS

Review WDC5000AACS gua..
Western Digital Caviar green power gw baru datang..langsung gw review ya :

sebelumnya gw pake 250Gb seagate baracuda yang terbakar disalah satu IC nya,yang anehnya tetap mau beroperasi
layaknya hardisk normal.Padahal didepan mata gw sendiri ngeliat ic tersebut mengeluarkan asap dan membara merah.
untuk beberapa saat sih gak mau start sama sekali.Tapi karna data-data gw sangat-sangat penting,seperti bahan buat
editing video , project videonya sendiri , dan tools yang seabrek gw gak mau gambler dengan 250Gb seagate ini.jadi
sekarang gw berhentiin dulu sementara gw pake WDC 500 GB.
WDC green ni silent juga,ya kurang lebih samalah..gak seperti review dari yang gw baca..ada bunyi ketek ketek lah..
apalah..itu semua bohong milih WDC green ini karena hardisk ini memecahkan rekor untuk penggunakan listrik
nya (green power) paling rendah diantara hardisk lainnya.murah.serta memiliki 2 kecepatan 5400 rpm (idle) dan
7200 Rpm (process),sehingga diramalkan umurnya bakalan lebih lama dari hardisk no green.
gak ada problemo dengan instalasi window dan proses format.
Gw bagi dalam 3 partisi dengan "easeaus partition manager".
c:System 40Gb
D:Data 100Gb_Untuk musik,tools,dan sebagainya yang bersifat mentah.
E:Project 325Gb_ buat editing video berisi template,background,wedding song,video n sound fx collection,data video
hasil transfer,render dan convert sampai menjadi data sebelum akhirnya di burn ke dvd or vcd.

Intel's X58 Motherboard: Effect on NVidia and Consumers

The Intel X58 chipset was released during November of 2008, and
was released as a successor of X48. Now, the importance here is
not just the name itself; this is a direct challenge to all of
the computer hardware companies out there that have been making
large amounts of money off of nVidia chipset motherboards. Now,
how does this effect you, the consumer who has sparked an
interest in computer hardware?

Well, here's the thing: the X58 chipset can run SLI. Yes, I just
said that: it can run SLI. For those of you who don't know what
SLI is, I will explain it in another article today. For now, I
will just say that SLI is a program created by NVidia that
allows the computer to run more than one video card at the same

Now, why does SLI in the X58 matter so much? Well here's the
reason why: it takes away a valuable advantage NVidia chipsets
had over Intel chipsets. Traditionally, Intel chipsets were only
able to run Crossfire and CrossfireX, or just a single NVidia
video card without SLI. NVidia chipsets, on the other hand, can
only run NVidia Graphics cards(with the exception of patches for
some ATI graphics cards) but can run two in SLI and even three
in TriSLI. However, now that the X58 can run NVidia graphics
cards(GPU's), more consumers will begin to turn to this chipset.

Now, NVidia loses more than one battle here. One of NVidia
chipsets motherboards' main concerns for consumers was the price
tag. The fact is, that many NVidia chipset motherboards are more
expensive than the Intel chipset motherboards. However, this was
justifiable because NVidia still had the SLI and TriSLI
advantage over Intel chipsets. Now that the X58 chipset can run
NVidia GPU's in SLI, NVidia has lost one advantage, and lots its
justification for the price tags. And because most consumers
only go as far as running two graphics cards in SLI, NVidia may
lose a lot of loyal customers.

However, this does not mean that NVidia will fade away or go
bankrupt. X58 chipset motherboards can run two graphics cards in
SLI, but it cannot run three graphics cards in SLI. NVidia can;
therefore, NVidia still gets to keep the enthusiast market under
its arms. Another advantage NVidia still has is its apparent
ability to overclock better than Intel chipsets. While this
advantage may seem to be mysterious because most consumers do
not know why this is so, this is still an advantage that NVidia
will hold onto. Therefore, NVidia will still be able to keep
most of the consumers who know how to overclock well.

What Can the Intel Core i7 processors do for You? Part 1

Hey guys, Icarus here again. I have been talking about the
technicalities of the Core i7 series processors(Nehalem) for the
past four articles. This is, as you know from reading my
articles, one of the new features of the Intel X58 motherboard
that makes it so fantastic. A new piece of technology; this one
is promising.

So, as the title says, I'm going to talk about the value of the
Core i7. What do I mean by "value"? When I say "value", I mean
how the processor will be in your mind when you are thinking
about upgrading. Yes, the processor series has only been out on
the market for a little over 4 months, but I think it's time to
start thinking about this. At least ponder the possibilities.

Now, I talked about some of the awesome features of this
processor, including Hyper-threading, support for tri-channel
memory, and the on-die memory controller. And this is just the
beginning; there are many features of this processor that just
makes this processor fantastic. On the other hand, it does have
some small drawbacks, including lack of Error Correction Code
and its somewhat inconsistent levels of overclocking. But that's
about it on the small cons.

So, you ask, how valuable is this processor at the moment. Well,
it all depends on the budget of your computer or upgrade; I
mean, the lowest processor of the series so far (Core i7 920)
costs a hefty 290 dollars, and the motherboard alone costs a
minimum of 200 dollars, or at least that was the lowest price I
could find. Now, let's get down to the nitty-gritty.

There are three Core i7 processors so far in this Nehalem
series: the 920, 940, and the 965 EX. The 920 currently costs
around 290 dollars, the 940 costs around 560, and the 965 EX
costs a bit over 1000 dollars. Now, from benchmarks I have seen
on the Internet sources, the 920 alone does amazingly well for
the price it is at right now; even though it's a hefty 290
dollars, when you compare it to other processors that cost
around the same price, you'll be surprised how much better the
920 does against its predecessors.

Now, you're probably wondering why the 965 EX is so outrageously
overpriced. Well, the EX, as you might have guessed, stands for
Extreme Edition. Now, if you have seen some of the Extreme
Edition processors in the previous Intel series(the Core 2
series), they are similarly priced. Why? Because of its Unlocked
Clock function. Basically, it lets you overclock way more than
any other processor. Is this worth the ridiculous price? Well,
that's up for you to decide. Now, this topic will be elaborated
even more on a later article, so stay tuned for the next part!

How to Build Your Own Pc - the Smart Way (part 1)

Even experienced vendors and system builders get it wrong with
all the tools and support they have. Although in some ways its
never been easier to build your own, there have also never been
so many choices and therefore pitfalls. A modern computer is a
complex system of interdependent components. The performance of
all components in the system is often limited by the capability
of the least common denominator. In other words, you can't have
a top performance graphics PC by installing the latest graphics
card (GPU) without also having a CPU powerful enough to keep the
GPU pipelines busy with work, and fast memory within which to

With this in mind your approach to the architecture, design and
build of computers of any size needs to be the same. Carefully
select individual components that you know will all compliment
each other and work well together. Then thoroughly test and
benchmark your designs to ensure they work as well as you
expected them to. The last thing you want is an unexpected crash
at a vulnerable time. I’ve taken key snippets out of our own
internal build & design process and best practice
documentation to help you do your own.

There’s just too much to this subject to do it justice in one
article so I’ve split it into two parts which also makes it a
little more digestible. In this article we will look at the
heart of a PC build with:

  • The CPU
  • The Memory (RAM)
  • The Motherboard
    (or main board)
  • The Power supply (PSU)

In part 2 will continue by looking at the remainder of the

  • The Storage subsystem (hard disk or
  • The Graphics Processor (GPU)

  • The Case
  • The Cooling (HSF or heatsink
    & fan)

Why build your own?

The benefits to you of doing it yourself are:


  • You know best what you want and therefore you can
    build it exactly the way you want it
  • You can choose
    exactly the components you want and shop around for the best
  • If you built it you will know how to fix it
    yourself and might save time in the event something goes
  • It can be fun!


  • If you get any component choices wrong then you
    might just have to settle for what you ended up with, or, sell
    it on at a loss
  • You will get limited support from
    component retailers in the event of compatibility or stability
    problems between components
  • Quality of advice on the
    best component selection from the retailers is highly variable,
    and sometimes downright dubious and self serving
  • You
    are the designer, builder, installer, tester and support
    engineer, be ready for the possibility of some long nights and a
    rough ride with little support
  • You will spend
    potentially a lot of time learning a lot of things you might
    never have wanted to know
  • Ill just say; drivers,
    drivers, drivers….

You might have expected me to put price or cost on the list of
Pros. I haven’t because generally it just isn’t true any more.
There are plenty of machines out there built ready for you to
buy that barely cost any more than it would cost if you bought
the component parts yourself. If you take labour cost hours into
account then it’s a no brainer, just buy it ready built.

Design...Select...Standardise...Optimise and

Assuming I haven’t put you off lets get on with looking at all
the component parts and the things you need to be thinking
about. For some of the components a bit of history is worthwhile
as believe it or not we are living today with the legacy of
design and architecture decisions made twenty or more years

The CPU (processor)

The CPU is probably the single most important element of the
computer. Everything the computer does is touched by the CPU
(Central Processing Unit). Modern processors are made up of
millions of transistors networked together to perform
instructions set by the operating system and software that runs
on your computer. Each instruction it can execute takes a
certain number of clock cycles to run through, so for example a
1GHz processor can run a thousand million cycles worth of
instructions a second. That sounds a lot, but when you consider
that the average application or game now contains millions upon
millions of instructions you can see that the processors have
their work cut out to keep up with demands. A concept known as
Moore's Law has accurately described an exponential increase in
computing performance and power since the early 1970's. You can
be pretty sure that a computer on the market in three years time
will be more or less twice as powerful as the equivalent

Traditionally therefore the way for processor manufacturers to
increase performance was simply to increase the speed of the
clock for the processor. That way it could execute more
instructions in less time. Hence how the old Intel processors
between the 1980s and just a few years ago went up from 5MHz
clock speed and 20,000 transistors to the best single core
Pentium at 3.8GHz and 55 million transistors in 2006. At this
point Intel hit the buffers with the technology with a problem
known as silicon junction leakage. Where beyond these clock
speeds the semi-conductor technology we currently use simply
ceases to function correctly. Primarily due to the large amount
of energy leakage around the transistor junction and the heat
generated in operation. Hence also why over time CPU heatsinks
have got bigger and bigger, and fans more and more powerful, and

Intel tackled the issue tangentially with the idea of running
multiple processors on a single silicon die with the Core 2 Duo
and Core 2 Quad technology (see picture right). As the picture
above shows this deals with the workload presented by games and
applications by processing it in parallel rather than having to
do instructions one at a time (known as multi-threading). The
multi-core processors until recently were still produced on the
65nm manufacturing process that the last Pentium was fabricated
on. Then in Q1 2008 Intel started producing 45nm processors
based on new Hafnium Hi-K semi-conductor technology using the
same Core 2 designs, codenamed Yorkfield, which runs cooler and
more efficiently than the old silicon technology. Now from, Q4
2008 we have a new processor architecture with Nehalem. It has
an integrated memory controller and the FSB has gone to be
replaced by a much master QPI (Quick path interconnect) and a
new socket (LGA1366). By 2010 we should see a new die shrink to
32nm with the Westmere codenamed processors, after that the
roadmap gets a bit more vague. See the Intel site for more

You need to look closely at both Intel and AMD on processor
technology to careful assess how they can best deliver the
highest performance computing from the technology roadmap. The
new Core i7 and Yorkfield processors together with high
performance cooling have raised the bar again in Intel’s favour
in (this article being dated Q1 2009) by exceeding 3GHz clock
speeds in a quad core machine (33%+ over performance!), and
around 4GHz when overclocked. The Core i7 is a big hot CPU with
more going on in it than ever before with its built in memory
controller so you wont be able to take full advantage of its
performance ceiling without efficient and effective cooling
technology and delivery of clean stable power to the processor.
Mainstream PC's otherwise typically have a maximum factory clock
speed of 3.2GHz.

The Memory

Memory can be a crucial bottleneck to potential performance and
is rarely paid much attention at all by main stream system
builders. Memory comes in a variety of forms and bandwidths from
PC2-3200 to PC3-16000 and up. Where PC2 or PC3 indicates DDR2 or
DDR3 memory respectively, and 3200 or 16000 refers to the
bandwidth in MB/s. Of course it goes without saying that you
should use the highest bandwidth memory you can afford whether
in double bus speed DDR2 or quad bus speed DDR3 forms. If you
are planning to use your self built PC for video, photography,
CAD, 3D graphics or gaming the memory speed does make a
difference. However there are a number of other qualities that
hugely impact on memory performance and we also take these into
careful consideration:

  • Core clock speed - the speed the memory bus runs
    at (adjusted for DDR2/3)
  • Data rate (DDR, DDR2, DDR3)
    core memory bus speed multiplier
  • Latency (access cycle
    delays) - memory can be made to run at higher clock speeds but
    also with higher latency delays, making it on occasions actually
    slower than high quality memory running at lower frequencies
    with lower latencies. For example PC2-6400 memory at 800MHz and
    latencies of 4-4-3-5 will generally perform better than PC2-8500
    at 1066MHz and latencies of 5-5-5-15

A lot of manufacturers currently ship PC's with memory of
PC2-5300 (667MHz) specification with average latencies in
standard packages. That’s usually because they have a heap of it
in a warehouse to shift. The minimum specification memory you
should use is PC2-8500 (1066MHz). With low latencies in an
enhanced package for better cooling it can even outperform even
some of the faster DDR3 memory. The highest specification memory
available often runs ahead of being specified in terms of JDEC
standards. If you want to be future proof you should consider
some mid range DDR3 memory (say 1600MHz C8).

Clearly you need to make sure you’ve got enough as well. For
dual channel boards the minimum to consider ought to be 2GB -
4GB and for triple channel boards (DDR3 only) . Bearing in mind
if you are stuck with a 32-bit OS (Windows) you have a practical
limit of around 3GB anyway, for 64-bit fill your boots.

The Motherboard (main board)

Critical to good performance between the components of a PC is
the motherboard on which it is all installed and interconnected.
The motherboard chipset (usually either nVidia or Intel based,
known as Northbridge and Southbridge) hosts all the vital
interfaces such as the PCI bus (PCIe 2.0, for the graphics and
sound cards), the network (USB2, Firewire IEEE1394, WiFi and
Ethernet), the storage (IDE, SATA-II, RAID), BIOS configuration,
bus clock management, memory controller, hardware management and
monitoring, power supply regulation to the CPU and memory. The
motherboard chipset dictates which CPU's it supports, the
maximum FSB (front side bus) speed supported, the range of CPU's
supported (by socket such as Intel LGA775, or AMD). Intel’s
Nehalem and X58 Chipset has changed all this now that the memory
controller has moved off the motherboard and inside the CPU.
This unlocks a phenomenal amount of additional memory

A sophisticated BIOS is important to allow fine enough control
and monitoring of system components for the high degree of
performance tuning required. Due to the compatibility and
support dependencies most manufacturers tend to choose fairly
mature motherboards and chipsets, perhaps a year or two old. You
could choose the low risk approach and do the same thing, or, go
high risk and try the bleeding edge technology. Whatever you
decide make sure it’s a board that has a reputation for being
overclock friendly if that’s what you want to do (you will need
flexible Base Clock speeds for Core i7). Make sure it supports
the latest CPU's, high bandwidth storage and PCI bus, highly
flexible BIOS and preferably DDR3 high speed memory. However a
good DDR2 board is now excellent value for money and can match
some DDR3.

Pay careful attention to the PCI express lanes. Every Intel
chipset has a set number of total lanes that can be allocated
across all the PCIe slots the board designers have chosen to
give you. The more lanes a given slot has the faster it can run
as they move data to and form the card in parallel. I’ve listed
below some of the current main chipsets and how many lanes they

  • P45 - 16 lanes (2 of PCIe x8)
  • P55 – 16
    lanes (2 of PCIe x8)
  • X48 – 32 lanes (2 of PCIe
  • X38 – 32 lanes (2 of PCIe x16)
  • X58 – 32
    lanes (2 of PCIe x16, or 4 of PCIe x8)
  • nVidia 680 – 46
    lanes (2 of PCIe x16, 1 of PCIe x8, 6 of PCIe x1)

  • nVidia 750 – 32 lanes (2 of PCIe x 16)
  • nVidia 780 -
    48 lanes (2 of PCIe x16, 1 of PCIe x16 (1.0))
  • nVidia
    790 – 48 lanes (2 of PCIe x16, 1 of PCIe x16 (1.0))

If you’re hoping for a smoking big SLI setup you will need as
many x16 lane PCIe slots as you can get. At the least aim for a
board with 2 PCIe x16 slots then you have an upgrade path if you
need it.

The Power supply (PSU)

To give yourself a bit of upgradability headroom you want to be
buying 600-800W or more and exceed the ATX standard
requirements. Most modern switch mode power supplies are
multi-rail as it’s an easier and cheaper design to use. However
a single rail at over 100A of current gives your build more
flexibility, otherwise you have to be careful which rails you
use for what as they all have individual current limits. Not to
compromise on noise you should prefer to use power supplies with
large 120-140mm fans to increase air flow, and reduce air speed
in turn reducing cooling noise.

Partition Loss in Windows Due to Lack of Shutdown Notification

In the context of servers we aspire for better disk and system
software performance than workstations. There are various
options to achieve that. One is by using hard disks with faster
drive interfaces like SCSI (Small Computer System Interface),
more rpm (rotations per minute) like 15,000 rpm, larger drive
cache or buffer like 32 MB. The SCSI Hard drives are made for
Disk arrays like that of RAID and JBOD.

As a practical instance, a Windows server partition with
fundamental disk signature, the scsiport.sys (SCSI port driver
file) sends ‘hwStartIo SRB_FUNCTION_SHUTDOWN’ event to SCSI
miniport for every partition. It enables the miniport to start
the shutdown process.

For a partition with dynamic disk signatures, the expected
‘hwStartIo SRB_FUNCTION_SHUTDOWN’ event doesn’t take place for
any of dynamic volumes if the ‘PORT_CONFIGURATION_INFORMATION
CachesData=TRUE’ has been set.

It results as data loss. If you have built the caching
controller, which is based upon the Microsoft specifications
that declare that controllers would be informed before the
shutdown event. You can build it as per the above command for
appropriate working of cache or other inner operations.


In case of RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks), you may
encounter the data loss and sometimes partitions loss situations
due to one or more of the following reasons:

RAID controller relies upon the shutdown IRP (I/O Request
Packet) for clearing write-back cache, which is permitted on
hard drive. When the cache flush command is issued on the
partition, it simply flushes controller cache and results into
data loss.

The operating system sends the cache flush command even after
‘Shutdown IRP’ clears the controller cache. In this scenario,
the data loss may occur as the data that gets written post last
cache flush may get lost.

If you have enabled write-back cache on the partition and
improper shutdown occurs, the file system may get corrupted and
you may lose all Windows partitins and data from them.

Partition loss and data loss are the situations that can not be
accepted by any computer user with valuable data and thus they
need to be fixed. These situations are generally recoverable by
using Partition Recovery tools.

Partition Recovery tools are third party software that are
specifically designed to meet your Partition Recovery needs. href="">Partition
Recovery Software come equipped with interactive user
interface and detailed documentation. A normal home user can use
them easily as they don’t require any prior and sound technical

Stellar Phoenix Windows Data Recovery is the ultimate solution
of all your partition loss related issues. This powerful
Partition Recovery Software thoroughly scans your whole hard
drive, locate the lost partitions and then recover them.

Phoenix  href="">Partition
Recovery  is compatible with the latest versions of
Windows Vista, XP, 2003 and 2000. It supports Partition Recovery
from FAT16, FAT32, VFAT, NTFS and NTFS5 file systems based
Windows partitions.

Nvidia Powermizer

As you might already know, Nvidia produces some fine PC graphic
cards whether it is for gaming or just multimedia purposes. I
have always been using their desktop version of graphic card
until recently when I am forced to use their mobile version of
graphic card on a laptop due to travel reasons.

So what is the problem here? There should be none since I am
pretty satisfied with their previous card so changing to a
mobile graphic card should not present any problems. I was
wrong. There seems to be a little culprit hiding in the driver
of my mobile version graphic card. Visit href="
mizer.html">Disable Powermizer to know more about Nvidia
Powermizer and how to solve the problem.

Like most things there is a good and bad side to it. Same goes
to this culprit I mentioned call Nvidia Powermizer. For some
user they might not even notice the effect of Nvidia Powermizer
and it might even be good for them. Why? it is because Nvidia
Powermizer will help you prevent your graphic card from
overheating after some period of usuge. Nvidia Powermizer also
helps in saving some battery life on your laptop when your
graphic card does not seem to need so much performance out of it.

So what is so bad about Nvidia Powermizer? Nvidia powermizer is
bad for gaming. You will experience the drop in performance all
of a sudden usually after about half an hour of gaming. This is
annoying when you are in the mist of battle. There is no way to
make your mobile graphic card go back to the full performance
again unless you restart your computer or restart the graphic
card from the device manager. So that basically means you have
to get out half way from your game.

I notice this effect more often when I am in a hotter country
since your laptop will be in higher temperature to start with.
If you are not gaming then you will not even notice this effect
at all. By gaming I am talking about graphic intensive 3D games
like Crysis, Far Cry 2, Warhammer 40K Dawn of War 2 and any
other older games that will stress your graphic card.

Note that thie Nvidia Powermizer effect is only a problem to
Windows Vista users as you can swith off Nvidia Powermizer in XP
just by going into the graphic card driver. If you are a Vista
user you can head over to href="
mizer.html">Disable Powermizer to learn how to stop this
Nvidia Powermizer.

How to make free money from your blog using Bidvertiser

r.dbm?Ref_Option=pub&Ref_PID=210256">Make money from your
Website or Blog with BidVertiser. Bidbertiser is just like
Google adsense, only you have more options of how you want your
ads to look and you have more ways to make money. The other
things about Google adsense is that you are only allowed 3 ad
blocks per page of your web page. If your blogging for money
than 3 ad blocks isn't going to cut it, you'll need to find
other advertising companies to put on your page for more revenue
opportunities. On one of my more href="">profitable blogs i
am using Google Adsense, Kontera (in-text ads), Bidvertiser and
if i find a good product that relates i sometimes use Amazon and
Clickbank. Though many of Clickbanks capture pages turn me off
for some reason.

With Bidvertiser you can make money 3

r.dbm?Ref_Option=pub&Ref_PID=210256">First is pay per click
-You get paid every time a visitor clicks on one
of your ads. The ad block choices are very similar to Google
Adsense, with a few extra choices.

Option=adv&Ref_PID=210256">Second is to refer
-When a user signs as an advertiser and
first spends $10, Bidvertiser will credit your account with $5.
When that same advertiser spends $50, you will be credited with
an additional $20 and so on.

-Another great thing about referring advertisers is that
bidvertiser offers and excellent reward for the advertiser. When
they sign up they are given they're fir $20 worth of ppv for
free. They don't even have to spend any money first, its just
free :-)

r.dbm?Ref_Option=pub&Ref_PID=210256">Third is to refer
-When a user signs as a publisher and first
earns $10, Bidvertiser will credit your account with $10. When
that same publisher earns $50, you will be credited with an
additional $40 and so on.

I won't lie, if you were to click a link from this article and
sign up as a publisher for Bidvertiser I will be paid. But that
doesn't make this any less of a money making opportunity for you
and lets face it, no matter what, someone will make money when
you sign up. Why not help a fellow blogger? Bidvertiser, like
Kontera (i really recommend kontera btw) and Google Adsense are
100% free to use if you are a publisher, obviously it costs to
advertise just like Google Adwords.

You can make money by referring new publishers many ways.
Bidvertiser has many pre-made advertisements that you can add to
your page specifically for bringing in new publishers or
advertisers (like an affiliate program with really awesome
rewards). Also you can create a small sentence placed at the end
of every post that will lead people to the bidvertiser web site.
(I have added a advertisement in my signature, less work that
way.) Of course it wouldn't hurt to write an article every now
and again, as every webmaster online who is trying to make
they're fortune knows, articles are a easy way to get your
information out to people and get listed on Google.

So good luck to you all with your monetizing!

Free Antivirus Software For XP

Windows XP Antivirus Software at No Charge

antivirus for windows xp is something that many people want. You
need to exercise caution when choosing between the many free
antivirus programs available today. Be sure that the free pc
security software you choose originates from a reliable source
with a good track record.

Rogue software, may install
some form of malware on your pc system without your permission
or knowledge. You are then directed to buy an unlock key that is
used to remove the virus or malware from your system.
/>Researching security software is a must before downloading
free software.This may take a little time, but you will be safer
in the long run.

To begin with, check what programs
are most frequently downloaded. Researching user reviews can
help in evaluating the viability of each free computer security
software package.Looking through the positive and negative
elements of these assessments will inform the reader of the
above average, the so-so, and the entirely unacceptable internet
security software packages.

It may be difficult to
find better software than AVG free antivirus, available from
Grisoft, a well respected online security solution provider. AVG
Free has just been upgraded to version 8, which has "link
scanner" technology, so surfing the internet is now even safer.
Both Grisoft and the AVG free antivirus software have been in
circulation for a long time. They have gained a loyal following
of Windows XP users the world over.

Grisoft also
offers paid subscriptions for some of their products. You may be
happy with the level of security protection offered by the free
package. If you require a higher degree of protection, you may
want to consider upgrading to the paid version.

of the online security companies such as F-Secure, McAfee and
Symantec offer their online virus scanning services free of
charge. Though it can be useful in certain circumstances, I do
not recommend this as a primary form of antivirus detection./>
I personally scan my hard drive with my antivirus
software weekly, and run a free online scan from F-Secure to
check my own security is doing it's job and is not missing any
virus infections on my computer.

Many peoply shy away
from free software concerned that it may not provide adequate
protection. If you take the time to do some research and make an
informed choice, there shouldn't be any problems.
/>These days, there are a lot of internet risks. This include
individuals who scheme to take over computer systems, people who
trick others into handing over personal information, attempts to
maliciously acquire valuable business and personal information,
and other types of fraud. If the security of the data on your
Windows XP system is important to you, make sure you have either
paid or free antivirus software installed.

For more
free quality click here href="
P.html">Free Antivirus Software For XP

10 Easy Steps to Speed Up Your Computer - Without Upgrading

It seems that the longer you own your computer, the slower it
gets! A lot of people will keep their computer until it gets so
slow that they feel they need a newer, faster model. Some feel
like the reason it is getting slower is because it is getting
older, when that is just not the case. Your computer should run
just as fast as the day you brought it home – if you follow
these 10 Easy Steps to Speed Up Your Computer

1. Empty the Temp directory regularly. After a short while, the
temp directory fills up with hundreds of temp files that always
get scanned over when Windows starts up and when programs
launch. This slows everything down immensely.

Rule of thumb for Temp Files: If you don’t have any programs
open (and nothing minimized in the bar below), then you
shouldn’t have ANY temp files in your temp directory. If you do,
delete them.

To delete Temp files, make sure NO programs are open, and…

a. In Windows 95, 98 or Me, go to C:WindowsTemp and delete
everything inside the Temp folder.

b. In Windows 2000 or XP, it is a little trickier. First, make
sure that you can see hidden folders. Double-click My Computer.
Click on the Tools pull-down menu, and then on Folder Options.
Click on the View tab. Scroll down and click on Show Hidden
Files and Folders. Click Ok. Now you can go to the C:Documents
and SettingsAdministratorLocal SettingsTemp folder. Delete
everything here.

2. Empty the Temporary Internet Files regularly. To empty
Temporary Internet Files, go to your Control Panel and
double-click the Internet Options icon. Choose to Delete
Cookies, and to Delete Files. This will clear all of your
Temporary Internet Files.

3. Check your hard disks for problems.

a. For Windows 95, 98, or Me, double-click My Computer.
Right-click the C-drive and click on Properties. Click on the
Tools tab and choose to check the computer for problems. If you
choose to do a Thorough Scan, this will do the hardware check
for physical disk damage or sector damage. Choose to fix any
errors it finds.

b. For Windows 2000 and XP, double-click My Computer.
Right-click the C-drive and click Properties. Click on the Tools
tab and choose to check the computer for problems. Click on
Check Now. You will then have two check boxes. The top option is
for the file check, and the second option is for the hardware
(physical disk) check. Check either one, or both. At least check
the top one. Hit ok, and reboot. This may take some time, but
let it run.

4. An even more thorough disk check, would be to use a 3rd party
utility. One of my favorites is TuneUp Utilities 2008. It does
low cost , but they do offer a FREE download trial of 15 days.
This program does a really good job of fixing software and
physical hard drive problems. It also tunes up your system for
increased speed, and streamlines your operating system for peak
performance. Download it HERE...

5. Or, you can do a few of the performance tweaks yourself, if
you have Windows XP. By default, EVERYTHING is turned on in
Windows XP. It isn’t very streamlined for performance, but
rather for appearance. You can turn off a few of the unnecessary
features, and Windows will still work just fine, and maybe a
little faster.

To do this, right-click on My Computer and click on Properties.
Click on the Advanced tab. Under the Performance section, click
on the Settings button. On the Visual Effects tab, you will see
a list of check boxes. By default, these are all on. You really
don’t need any of them for Windows to run. Go through the check
boxes one by one, and determine which ones you can and can’t
live without.

6. Turn off Active Desktop. Active Desktop turns your desktop
into a web page, and allows you to have things like a real-time
calendar, and up-to-the-minute weather or stocks. These are
nice, but really slow down your computer. And even if you don’t
use Active Desktop for anything, just having it active can cause
a performance decrease. Turn it off.

a. In Windows 95, 98 and Me, right-click on the desktop and in
the pop-up menu, choose Active Desktop. Inside that option,
uncheck Active Desktop. If there is no check next to it, then it
isn’t on. Don’t choose it. Instead, just click the desktop again
to get out of the menu.

b. In Windows 2000, right-click on the desktop and in the pop-up
menu, choose Active Desktop. Inside that option, uncheck Show
Web Content. Again, if there is no check next to it, then it is
not on. Do not check it.

c. In Windows XP, right-click on the desktop and in the pop-up
menu, choose Properties. On the Desktop tab, choose Customize
Desktop. Now, on the Web tab, make sure that there are no
websites chosen here. If there aren’t any, then Active Desktop
is not on. Cancel and go back to the desktop.

7. Install and run a good AntiVirus program to keep out viruses
that can take over your system. One of my favorites is AVG. It
is not only a really good AntiVirus program, but it is also
FREE! If you don’t have any AntiVirus software on your computer,
get AVG AntiVirus NOW by downloading HERE...

8. Get rid of Spyware. A lot of computer users have Spyware and
don’t even know they have it, much less how to get rid of it. If
your computer has been taking you to websites that you don’t
want to go to, or if you get pop-ups when you aren’t even on the
Internet, or if your computer has been running extremely slowly
lately, for no reason, you probably have Spyware.

On all of the computers that I setup, I install two different
AntiSpyware programs: AdAware SE and SpyBot. These two programs
are highly recommended by TechTV (G4) and other computer
authorities (including my own research on Spyware) and work very
well together. They compliment each other and catch Spyware that
the other misses, but together, do a very good job.

Get SpyBot HERE...
Download all updates and run the Immunize option a couple of

AdAware SE does a good job when you keep up on the updates and
manually scan your system with AdAware. Get it HERE...

In some cases, when the Spyware has become too entwined into
your system, even a computer repair technician can’t get rid of
the Spyware. At this point, it is better to just backup only
what you need and have the operating system reinstalled. Believe
me, when your computer gets to this point, you don’t want to
just put a “band-aid” on it. Just start from scratch with a
clean system. It’s the best way to go.

9. Streamline MSCONFIG. One thing that really causes a HUGE
performance decrease is to have unnecessary programs running in
the background. Some of these programs can be seen in your
System Tray (located next to the clock). These are tiny programs
that are robbing you of memory and processing power. Some of
them you need, while most you don’t. Some of the programs you
DON’T need are printer icons, CD burning icons, shortcuts to
programs (such as video settings), AOL, any Instant Messaging
Programs, etc. Just because these programs aren’t always
running, doesn’t mean that you still can’t print, burn CDs or
Instant Message. They can all be run from a shortcut.

You can use a utility, called MSCONFIG, to turn OFF unnecessary
Start Up items.

a. In Windows 98, Me, and XP, click on StartRun and type
msconfig. Click on the Startup tab. This is a list of everything
that is running in the background, some of which show up in the
System Tray. Now, be careful, some of these you do need. Some
items to keep are Ctfmon.exe (XP), Scan Registry (Win98, Me),
Task Monitor (Win98, Me), System Tray (Win98, Me),
LoadPowerProfile (Win98, Me), Rundll.32, any AntiVirus programs
(such as McAfee, Norton, or AVG). Others, you can uncheck, such
as NeroCheck, ypager, qttask, AOL, and any other Instant
Messaging programs, or printing programs. Remember, if something
doesn’t work, because you turned it off, it can always be turned
back on. You just have to reboot every time you make a change
here. But, as you uncheck the unnecessary programs that run in
the background, you will see that Windows loads much faster,
that there are less icons in the System Tray, and that your
system is much more “snappy” and quick to respond.

b. In Windows 2000, MSCONFIG wasn’t supplied. You actually have
to download and run an MSCONFIG utility. Download the MSCONFIG
utility HERE...

After you reboot, you will have a window that says that the
configuration utility was edited. Just check not to show that in
the future, a check box at the bottom. This just means that
there was a change made to the MSCONFIG.

10. Defragment your hard drives. NOTE: to efficiently defragment
a hard drive, it likes to have 25% free space. It can still do
the defragmentation with only 15% free space, but it takes quite
a bit longer. If you can, delete any unnecessary files before
deframenting your drives.

a. To defragment your hard drives (in any Windows operating
system), double-click on My Computer. Right-click on the c-drive
and click on Properties. Click on the Tools tab and choose the
bottom button, to Defragment Now…

Good luck. I hope this article has helped you. If you live in
the Lapeer County, MI area, and would like a Professional
professionally TuneUp your computer(s) in your home or business,
please contact Lapeer Tech Group at (810) 793-1093, or visit our
website at

Do you need more tips? get it at

Laptop Care: How to Take Care of Your Laptop

Taking care of your laptop is one of the best things you can do
to make it work more efficiently and live longer too. Though
laptop prices have continuously come down in years, it is still
a good idea to maintain its health so you won’t have to
practically shove your laptop into a computer tech’s face as
frequent as you could imagine. There are more ways than on to
take care of it and what follows are just a few of them.

Don’t eat and drink while you work

Laptops circuitry is very sensitive so you may want to keep
food and drinks away from your laptop. As a laptop owner myself,
sometimes I find it too tempting to nibble and munch finger
foods while I write an article. Who says food isn’t that
motivating? But, you could also damage your laptop with spilled
liquids and fallen food crumbs.

Handle your LCD screen with care

When shutting your laptop off, be sure to hold the LCD screen
with both hands to avoid screen breakage due to unnecessary
strain. As much as possible avoid touching the LCD screen,
especially with dirty hands. Also, clean your laptop monitor
with approved cleaning materials only. Screen repairs don't come
in real cheap.

Keep it cool always

Laptops generate a lot of heat which can damage the internal
circuitry so it is advised to use them in a well-ventilated
area. If your working room has air conditioning unit, be sure to
set the temperature right enough so as not to fry or chill your
machine. It is also a wise move to install a laptop cooler or
chill mat to reduce the machine's operating temperature.

Use your laptop’s battery

Save on battery replacement costs by taking advantage of the
battery’s full potential. At least once a week unplug it from
the wall and let it run on battery power until it tells you to
recharge. This will make the battery life lasts much longer.

Set it to hibernate or sleep when not in use for a shorter
period of time

Machines need to take a rest too. Do not let your laptop run
for straight two days, even if it’s a “powerful” one. Laptops
can get very hot and leaving it on for a longer period of time
may cause overheating. Adjust the power saving settings in the
control panel or install software that automatically puts your
laptop in a sleep or hibernate mode or even shut it down after a
period of inactivity.

Do not walk with your laptop on

Do not walk with your laptop on because you are risking the
hard drive with every stumble, stump, or jar you make. Put it to
sleep or shut it down completely if you need to take your laptop
more than a few feet away.

Don’t close anything inside

Don't close anything inside your laptop. Make sure there are no
papers, a pen, a pencil, or a paper clip placed carelessly on
top of the keyboard before closing the LCD screen. There is a
little clearance between the screen and the keyboard and even a
couple sheets of paper can put stress onto the screen. Also,
avoid putting heavy objects on top of your laptop. These
careless actions can damage and break the screen.

Get a carrying bag

Avoid scratching, squeezing, bumping, or worse, dropping your
laptop by getting a laptop bag big enough to carry it around.

Install antivirus software and firewall

Guard its health by using antivirus software and firewall.
Install antivirus and keep it updated from time to time. Your
internet-connected laptop is always at risk of being infected
with viruses, so you may want to take the necessary precautions.
Data loss because of viruses can give you headaches.

It really pays to take care of your laptop as you should. You
simply cannot ignore the benefits that come out of it. You can
save yourself not just laptop repair costs but headaches and
stress as well. Your laptop will be healthier and you can be
sure it won’t play dead on you when the least you expect it.

Antivirus 360 Removal - Remove Antivirus 360 the Easy Way

It comes from the same family of Rogue Antispyware software as
Antivirus 2009 and is advertised via the Vundo Trojan, yet
Antivirus 360 is quickly making a name for itself and not in a
good way. If this program does make its way onto your computer
you are likely facing a nightmare scenario where your computer
is getting hammered with popups, it has slowed to a crawl, and
nothing seems to work - but the good news is that there actually
is an easy solution to removing Antivirus 360 for good.

First of all, if you are receiving the never ending popups that
state that you are infected with spyware and you need to install
Antivirus 360 to protect yourself and remove the spyware, then
you are already infected with spyware - most likely in the form
of the Vundo Trojan.

At this point, if you did end up clicking on the ad and
installing Antivirus 360 then your problems have just doubled -
actually they have multiplied because Antivirus 360 is not a
true antispyware program and will actually end up installing
more and more malware onto your computer.

So in essence you are still infected by the Vundo Trojan and now
you are infected with Antivirus 360 and numerous other programs
that it will download and install onto your computer without you

But again, you need to be aware that even if you didn't click on
the ad and are still receiving the popups you are infected by

Now there are numerous guides out there that may show you how to
go about manually removing the infected files, folders,
processes, and registry entries but that doesn't work. The
reason is that Antivirus 360 is smart enough to reinstall itself
after you restart your computer so even though you might believe
you have deleted everything associated with it, it will just
come back again - over and over.

That is the bad news.

But here is the good news - Antivirus 360 can be removed rather
easily provided you download and install top of the line
antispyware software that has the ability to detect and remove
it. This is the tricky part because not all spyware removers are
capable of removing Antivirus 360 and in fact, most won't even
come close.

How Much Is Your Internet Usage?

The number of people using the World wide web is growing day by
day, most individuals use it at least once on a daily basis.
There are lots of places you can get at the Net these days, lots
of individuals own a personal computer or laptop and access the
Cyberspace from different places. Individuals use the Net and
other on-line programs for various reasons.

Some people simply enjoy browsing various internet sites,
shopping for all sorts on different goods or simply reading the
news. There are lots of things you can find on the Net and some
individuals simply like to view or download films or music.
There are hard core gamers that cannot get enough of online
games. There are many people who have bought a PC for the first
time, this has grown the usage of the Cyberspace very quickly.

This type of technology is nothing new; all the same there
are still people who are never been on the Cyberspace or have
even owned their own PC.

It is not hard for an individual to operate programs on-line, in
fact most schoolchildren can use the Net and the PC with ease. A
individual can use the Net in a number of ways. Some individuals
use a dial-up connection which is controlled by a modem in their
computer. A individual may have a wide band for World wide web
usage. This can be cable or DSL. Sometimes World wide web access
is not accessible and the only way is to use a satellite, this
would normally be when a person lives in a remote location.

There are a number of techniques a individual can use when using
the Net. Some of these techniques are more stable than others
and some are also quicker.  To some people who have
recently purchased a computer it might all seem a little
confusing. There are lots of different resources accessible that
give you specific information on what might best be the right
connection for you. There are books, on-line information and
technical support for any questions or concerns a person may

It might seem strange to you that some people have never used
the World wide web or even owned a PC. Whether you like it or
not, there will come a place where you will have to use the
Internet, for one reason or another. Everyone will be exploring
and learning from these machines in the near future. There is no
end to the number of things you can do on the Internet, simply
typing a word to your preferred search engine and it you are
able to find the  latest scores for your favourite football
team, and even view the news from all over the world. Once you
start to use the Internet, you will discover lots of new ways to
gather information for any subject you choose.

How To Create A DVD

Gone are the days when information and movies were stored on
CDs. The trend now is creating DVDs, because of their efficiency
and higher quality. When you have a DVD, you can store bigger
and more images and files. The picture quality is a lot better,
too. Many people today opt to create their own DVDs.

If you want to do this task, but you don’t know where to start,
don’t fret. Creating a DVD is easy and fast, as long as you know
the right way to do it. Here’s how to create a DVD. What You’ll

* Blank DVD * Computer with DVD burner


1. Check if your computer has a DVD-creation software. If it
doesn’t, find one on the Internet. There are several kinds of
software options you can try to create a DVD. Find one that’s
compatible with your system, then download it. 2. Pick out a
background for your DVD’s display. This is what you see when you
open the main page of the DVD. Usually, DVD softwares have
default options for backgrounds, and you can easily pick one
out. If you want, you can also use your own image. Browse your
computer for the image you have in mind and open it. 3. Create
the DVD menu. You can also put chapters in it. Just click on the
“Other Options” tab of your software’s burn menu, and select
“Add new Chapter”. The different chapters for your DVD depends
on the pictures and videos you put in the DVD. You can use it if
you want to separate different parts of a big project. For
example, one chapter can be just for home photos, while another
is for corporate shots. You can have a chapter for miscellaneous
files, too. If you’re cutting a movie into chapters, separate
them into every eight to ten minutes. 4. Many people put videos
into their DVD. If you have Windows Media Player, open the DVD
software, then open another window for the videos you want to
load. The videos must be found on your PC. See if the first
piece of video is the one you want to add to your DVD, then drag
it onto the Media Player. Keep doing this, until all the video
files are on the software. 5. Simply drag and drop the videos
for your DVD, ordering them on how you want them to be seen on
DVD. Click “Burn” and choose “Burn DVD”. At the right side of
the software, a new window will open. Drag the videos from the
left to the right side, depending on how they’ll appear. 6. Put
a blank DVD in your DVD burner drive, then click “Start Burn”,
found at the bottom-right portion. The process takes at least
ten minutes, sometimes more, depending on how fast your burner
is, how many videos or files you’re burning and how much RAM
your PC has. When the burn process is finished, the computer
will eject the DVD.

A Few Tips

* Make sure the blank media (DVD) you use is reliable. The
quality of your DVD burn depends on this important factor. Find
a reasonably-priced DVD, and inspect the recordable side for
scratches, cracks, blotches and spots. Physical defects can
cause recording flaws. * Make sure the DVD burner is clean all
the time, and that no contaminant reaches its laser eye. * Avoid
multi-tasking. Turn off games, screensavers, anti-virus software
and other programs and applications. These can slow down the
burning process or cause burning errors. * Don’t rush. If you
have time, burn at a slower speed. * Update your DVD burning
software as often as possible. * Label your DVD properly.
Donut-style adhesive labels are appropriate, if you don’t have a
hardware that prints directly on CDs. Labeling with a
felt-tipped pen is also okay.

A good movie or good file storage starts with a DVD that’s
properly created. Remember these basic steps and tips when
creating your own DVD, and you’ll surely be pleased with the

Sunday, February 15, 2009

KLAKI - Pemali Album review

KLAKI adalah sebuah band yang berasal dari kota sungailiat yang terletak di pulau bangka provinsi kepulauan bangka-belitung,

Kata KLAKI berasal dari bahasa daerah bangka yang berarti laki-laki, yang juga mempunyai arti ( K- Lucky ) yaitu menuju keberuntungan, dalam misinya klaki mencoba membuat karya unique yang berbeda dengan band yang lainnya,dengan mengeksplorasi bahasa daerah bangka yang dipadukan dengan berbagai aliran musik, ini merupakan suatu impian pada suatu kenyataan, dimana dengan keterbatasan peralatan, materi, dan waktu kami berhayal untuk membuat suatu karya yang dapat dinikmati oleh semua orang, berkat kesabaran dan kerjakeras KLAKI akhirnya berhasil meliris album pertam yang bejudul "PEMALI"

Yang berisi 10 lagu dengan aliran musik yang berbeda, dalam album ini KLAKI bekerjasama dengan Yayasan lingkungan hidup dunia", dimana nama KLAKI telah diregister di yayasan tersebut,apabila anda membeli CD yang asli berarti anda telah membantu menyelamatkan dunia kita dan 3% dari penjualan akan disumbangkan keyayasan panti asuhan, KLAKI selalu mengharapkan do'a, dukungan, kritik dan saran agar menjadi motivasi, semangat untuk menjadi lebih baik.

download demonya disini :
Klaki Album Demo (64kbps)


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Tips n Trik cara tercepat bikin domainmu di

Tips n Trik cara tercepat bikin domain di oleh Madjid

Sebelumnya kamu harus memiliki blog atau pun website yang akan dipublikasikan dg domain ini (
Klo belum daftar aja di atau di GRATIS!!
Klo sudah ikuti cara ini :
1. Buka di browsermu
2. pilih getting a new domain
3. isi nama domain pada kotak yang disediakan www. your domain name
4. check availability.lihat nilai paymentnya.kalo $ 0 lanjut ke registrasi.
5. isi Username (Email), Password dan Word Verification nya lalu sign in.
6. succes report,lanjut ke setup ( karena 48 jam tidak ada proses setup maka server akan menghapus registrasi anda tadi ).
7. Karena otomatis membuat pilihan domain. atau terserah anda setup yang mana.
8. ada 3 pilihan setup :
- Manage DNS
Manage Name Servers
Advanced Service / It can be difficult
- Zone record
Edit / Add Zone Records(A,MX,NS,CNAME)
Advanced Service / It can be difficult
- URL forwarding will redirect to your own website.
Change your home page address into Cool ones!
Simple Service / It is easy to everyone.pilih yang ini.
9. then klik set up.
10.selesai...selamat mencoba!